Each subculture has its vocabulary for interpreting its way of life. The health and fitness subculture is not unusual. Whether you’re fresh to the fitness event or have been working out in fitness clubs for years, you’ve possibly listened to specific fitness jargon thrown around. Here are 7 commonly used fitness phrases along with a quick description of the science behind each one.
When it gets to exercise, burning is frequently used to infer the feeling of when muscles encounter an expansion of metabolic waste, which generates fatigue. Acidosis is a shift in blood acidity—specifically, high levels of lactic acid and hydrogen ions—that is constantly the result of moderate- to high-intensity exercise. A burning feeling in a muscle is evidence of acidosis.
Cardio is short for cardiorespiratory or cardiovascular workout and relates to exercise that improves the heart rate to pump oxygen and nutrient-carrying blood to the working stamina. Most used for exercise executed on equipment like treadmills, elliptic runners or stationary bikes, it is important to know that ANY workout that improves the heart rate can provide cardiorespiratory benefits.
Core Training
This has evolved into one of the most prominent and overexposed fitness terms of the past several years. It appears as if approximately any fitness class, workout program or equipment will empower “core training” benefits. The “core” most constantly refers to the muscles that make up the midsection of the body, encompassing the ever-elusive six-pack.
High-intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
This phrase makes the list because it is repeatedly used to refer to exercise performed at maximal determination. However, it’s vital to recall that intensity can be subjective—what may be low intensity for some may be high intensity for others.
Metabolic Conditioning
Related to HIIT, metabolic conditioning is often obtained to refer to high-intensity exercise executed to the point of being out of breath or experiencing muscle ache. Here is why this overused phrase ought to be vacated from the lexicon: Metabolism is the chemical procedure by which a biological organism generates energy for muscular contraction. That implies that any exercise requiring muscle reduction (which in itself requires energy) is a form of metabolic conditioning.
This term is typically used to interpret a widespread mode of exercises such as yoga or Pilates because they are traditionally conducted with bodyweight (except Pilates programs involving equipment such as a reformer or barrel) and compel attention to execute challenging action sequences.
Muscle Confusion
A famous consumer-oriented fitness program claims to be established on the science of “muscle confusion.” This is a marketing term established to interpret the physiological effect of periodization, which is a technique of operating exercise programs based on shifting periods of intensity. The theory of periodization was formulated by Soviet Union sports scientists who comprehended that periods of high-intensity exercise (high stress) should be pursued by a period of low-intensity exercise (low stress) to allow the body to fully recoup from the workouts and enable the time for the physiological transformations to occur.